High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours
Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs
Ch. Glow Zelia Dreams N' Passion aka Zelia
Health tests
Clear by parentage
Full canine Panel to be done.
OFA will be done when she becomes 2 years old.
Zelia was Born
Dec. 20, 2023
Her Mother & Father are my Grand Champions Zilveren and Porto.
I had no intention of breeding Zilveren again,because she had a litter in the spring and I don't like breeding back to back.
Porto is a very slippery fellow and I confused him with Nieves.
I was warming up their supper and suddenly I noticed he was mating Zilveren.
I was very upset, but just for a split second mating they produced 4 cream puppies and one silver.
Zilveren had a difficult delivery because Zelia and a little male were trying to be born at the same time. I rushed to Laval Emergency Veterinary at 2 am, and it took Zilveren until noon the next day to give birth to the puppies.
Zelia was the last to be born, and we were following her with ultrasound to make sure she was still alive because Zilveren had broken her placenta. She came out like a fish out of water and was taken care with Oxygen and Glucose.
The following spring I presented teh best of each December litter, and Zelia got once the BOB.
She became a great show puppy and got her Champion points very quickly in 3 shows.