High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours
Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs
"Ch. Midas Glow Tesoro di Mauro" aka Midas
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to main page of our dogs /nos chiens
Born: 9 May 2017
Xanadu X-mas Special von der Salana
C.I.B. multi CH Baiona Tesoro di Mauro
Midas is named for a legendary king of Phrygia, a region nowadays part of Turkey . Midas was granted the power to transmute whatever he touched into gold. He will be the top stud for my gold line J
I was so lucky to get first pick of this wonderful litter of 3 puppies from a breeder I have been admiring for many years. I remember how much I loved Zeus, one puppy they sold to Australia, and having Midas it is a dream come true.
I am more than grateful to these excellent breeders, I have come to love and appreciate over the year of communicating with them, namely, Domenico & Anna Di Mauro from the kennel Tesoro Di Mauro.
Not only their dogs are beautiful and price winners all over Europe but they have great health.
Midas was born with prcd PRA - N/N ("A") by parentage
from C.I.B. multi CH Baiona Tesoro Di Mauro_ born: 14.03.2012
Health test:
* prcd PRA (optiGen) - N/N ("A")
* Luxating Patella: free -0/0 (23.03.2013), free-0/0 (2014)
* Eye examination : free (12.12.2012), free (26.03.2013) - has not a hereditary disease
* Cardiovascular examination: Aortic stenosis- free, Pulmonary stenosis - free
* Gentest vWD Typ1 (Willebrand) in Laboklin - N/N
* Calve-perthes (la necrosi asettica della testa del femore) – free
The proof is their veteran Quilli, who at 11 years old is still showing and getting BOB.
VetGen Colourtest: B/B , not carry the brown gene.
and Sire: Xanadu X-mas Special von der Salana, Breeder: Sonja Olsen.
Prcd pra - A by parents Pat lux - 0/0 catarct - free
Midas playing at 5,5 months all teeth
Domenico and Anna were supposed to send the puppy with Markéta Hronová in July 2017. It was a puppy exchange for Gerine (son of Neige and Alfie) that Marketa bought to compete in the Czech Republic. Marketa was going to bring Midas but Domenico decided Midas was too beautiful and well built to let him go without showing him off in Europe. I was a bit disappointed at first, but then I realized it was the best for Midas’s career.
I have to admit that I am very proud and thankful for all that Anna and Domenico are doing for Midas. He is being shown all over Europe with titles and BOB puppy in many countries. He has been shown along with his grandmother Quilli who is 11 years old and the lovely young females Lizy, Delfi, Greta, and Glory. All of them got titles in different countries and I was very impressed of all their accomplishments.