High Quality Miniature Poodles in all colours

Caniches Miniatures Haute Qualité de toutes les couleurs

"Glow Nisha Estrella"
aka Nisha
Health tests:
Optigen: PRA “A”= Accession #16-4412= Normal
DM = Normal,
CERF = perfect
Patellas = Good
OFA Link
For all dogs pedigree, titles, talents, and health testing go to main page of our dogs /nos chiens
Nisha was born
21st January, 2021
FI decided to breed Ch. Gulfbreeze Glow Oprah The Showgirl to a son of Bacci. I wanted a female not related to AM. Can Ch. Asa's Willy Wonka Glow Factory, because I love Willy 's puppies and wanted to keep him productive.
Unfortuantely Glow Louis The Zulu Warrior was not used to breed and we could only do some AI. Oprah produced only 2 puppies.
I met a nice lady looking for Eydis in Mont Royal. She has the same name as myself and we became friends. I offered her to have the black female Oprah gave me on Foster program.
Nisha flourished on the care of Gloria, who spoiled her with love and trained her in agility and obedience.
Nisha has a wonderful quiet loving personality, full of energy, confident and very playful.
Due to the distance of the home of Gloria and a very busy schedule, I did not get to show Nish in teh ring even if she is very pretty.

Glow Louis The Zulu Warrior lives in Ottawa with his co-owner.
Née le
21 de Janvier 2021
pour la version Française.

He is the son of CH. Mivida Sweet Surrender aka Baci (my brown foundation female) and AM. CH. Dimarnique's Christian Dior Edition

Nisha was bred in the spring of 2023, and she produced 5 beautiful puppies.
Gucci was sold as show dog, but the buyer could not afford the veterinary bill for UTI. I gave her back the money and took her on my care. Gucci finished her antibiotic and I added soem cramberries on her dish and the UTI went away,
My adult dogs love TLC kibble mix with my home cooked food. They always clean their plate and have no digestive problems. In their formula there is plenty of good ingredients like lamb, glucosamine, medicinal herbs, fruits, and vitamins. They also enjoy the bone biscuits for treats and training....
When you order it by phone, it gets delivered to my door the next day, which is an added plus.

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Mes chiens adultes aiment beaucoup la nourriture TLC. Je la mélange avec ma nourriture faite a la maison. La recette est plein des bons ingrédients : agneau, glucosamine, des herbes médicinaux, fruits et vitamines. Quand je les serve ça ils nettoient leur assiette et ils le digèrent très bien.
Quand vous fait votre commande par téléphone l’avantage est que vous le recevriez le lendemain a votre porte.